
Treadmills Walking Your Way To Better Health One Step At A Time

Walking is one of the most natural, everyday movements that an individual can make. For years, this simple act has been believed to help improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress and burn calories at the same time. Because not everyone has the convenience or the safety of walking outdoors, treadmills are designed to offer the same benefits without having to leave home.

While there are different variations of each, there are basically two types of treadmills. The first is a manual treadmill, which is powered solely by the individual. This device is not programmable and, therefore, is designed to keep up with the speed of the individual rather than the other way around. An electronic treadmill, on the other hand, can be programmed for the individual to keep up with the pace of the machine. With varying speeds and positions, electric treadmills can be designed to provide a slow or brisk walk at a flat or sloped angle.

A recent study divided individuals into two different groups, one of which participated in 30 minutes of exercising on treadmills while the other group spent 30 minutes resting. Each of the two group’s progress was monitored during the treatment which, at the conclusion, showed that both groups experienced a reduction in negative feelings, stress and tension. The group that spent 30 minutes training on the treadmills, however, also admitted to feeling an improvement in overall well-being. According to this study, walking is not only good for physical health, but proved to be beneficial for reducing stress and improving overall feelings of wellness.

While the study adds credence to the theory that walking is a positive exercise activity overall, it also lends truth to the idea that individuals do not have to walk outside in order to get the benefits of a regular walking routine. Treadmills are designed with indoor fitness in mind, which was the equipment of choice used in the aforementioned study. The use of a treadmill is especially beneficial during harsh winter months at times when walking outdoors may be slippery, in areas that are unsafe to walk or for individuals who simply prefer to exercise at home. Walking is believed to aid in the reduction of stress, the fight against obesity, cardiovascular disease and may be the most convenient exercise in existence.

The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice and/or recommendations. Before beginning any type of exercise regimen, including one that involves the use of treadmills, individuals should consult their physician.

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